Being out at night alone can be a frightening position to be in. Regardless of gender or age, anyone who is alone can be a target after the sun goes down. To keep out of danger, there are some techniques you can use and items to employ to prevent being hurt. Often, the very best option is to book a taxi home. Within this article, you’ll learn how our services at Lewis Taxis can help to get you out of harm's way quickly.
Finding Yourself Out at Night
There are several reasons that you might find yourself out after dark, making it tricky to get yourself home. In this section, we’ll cover some of the most common reasons to be out at night, and how to remain as safe as possible.
Following a Night Out
Stumbling out of a bar after having a wonderful time can often bring the reality of travelling home swiftly back. Particularly if you’re inebriated, getting home can be a challenge with busy roads and darkness working firmly against you. You may also find that your friends are travelling to different places, leaving you alone in the dark. To prevent this, make sure you’re all able to stick with one another until everyone has a safe method of getting back to their home.
Leaving a Friend’s Home
From late-night dinner parties to birthday celebrations, it’s incredibly important to share time with those closest to you. Once the plates have been tidied up and the homemade cocktails have been polished off, it will be time to leave. Sometimes leaving a friend or family member’s home results in you needing to find your way home alone.
If you find yourself alone after an event in someone’s home, it’s always best to stay inside while you book a taxi. Similarly, if you’re unable to safely make your way home alone, it may be best to request to stay at their home beforehand.
In an Emergency
Emergencies are unpleasant situations to be in, regardless of where they happen. If something happens to you or one of your loved ones, there’s a chance it may take place at night. Often, this will require attempting to get to a medical facility as soon as possible, with less frequent public transport services and dark paths.
Staying Safe
Sometimes, travelling alone at night is a necessity. If you’re in a position where you must travel back home alone, there are some things you can do to keep yourself safe. In this section, you’ll find some of our best tips for safety at night.
Carry a Personal Alarm
Available in a myriad of shapes, sizes, variations and colours, personal alarms are beneficial for all members of the public. These systems are typically characterised by a pin that can be pulled in an emergency, which will then emit a piercing noise to draw attention to yourself and therefore anyone who might be attempting to attack you. Many personal alarms are even attachable to your keys and come with a built-in light for extra safety.

Keep Your Phone Charged and Safe
Your phone will be your best friend when walking alone at night, so it’s vital to keep it in good health, so to speak. Before you leave to walk outside alone, make sure you’re equipped with a fully charged mobile phone or a portable charger. Your phone can call for safety and provide you with a way home, making it essential for travelling alone.
Phones are often targeted by thieves, so it’s important to keep them out of sight while they're not being used. Phones that are being held in your hand can easily be grabbed out of them by thieves on passing motorbikes, so keep your phone close but away from the reach of criminals.
Stay Aware of Your Surroundings
When walking alone, it can be tempting to put on headphones and listen to music while you walk, or watch a video on public transport. While both can be a great distraction, each form of media leaves you vulnerable to those with bad intentions. Thieves are more likely to target those who aren’t paying attention, as it becomes easier to grab their belongings without being fully acknowledged.
Sharing Your Location
Thanks to advances in technology, it’s easier than ever to let our loved ones know where we are. Location-sharing apps are brilliant for showing your friends your exact location, helping them to know where to direct help should you lose contact with them. Letting your friends know your estimated time of arrival while also giving them a current sense of when you should be home, and what to do if they don’t hear from you at that time.
Our Taxi Services in the West Midlands
Worried about getting home? With a private account held with Lewis Taxi, you needn’t be. Our team of professional drivers can help you get back to your property safely at night, no matter the time. Find out more about what our services look like below.
Private Taxis
Caught fruitlessly attempting to hail down a roadside cab? Taxi services found publicly are often unreliable, leaving you in the lurch just when they’re needed. Instead, a private taxi hire will allow you to get home quickly and safely, helping you feel continuously reassured that you will have a way home. Our private taxi drivers can pick you up across the West Midlands, getting you back to your destination in comfort and safety simultaneously.

Our Easy App
Attempting to track down the number of a local cab service can be frustrating in the dark, leading to very few results. To prevent you from going on a dangerous wild goose chase, use the Lewis Taxis Midlands Ltd app instead. Easy to use at the touch of a button, our app will allow you to arrange your ride home simply and conveniently. This means contact with strangers is limited, preventing you from being the target of a crime. Download the app today to start booking our private taxis using your smartphone.
Lost Property
Leaving items behind after travelling in a taxi can be a nightmare, and often difficult to get back the following day. This can be disastrous if you’ve left valuables, sensitive information or sentimental items, which can be dangerous in the wrong hands. Thankfully, we offer a lost property service at Lewis Taxis, helping belongings get back to their owner with very little delay.
Get in Touch
Please visit our website to learn more about us and our range of services. Alternatively, for further advice and support, get in touch with our team directly today.